Celebrate Recovery is designed to help individuals recover the image of Christ in their lives.
Who Needs CR?
Anyone who can relate to…
Hurts, Habits, Hang Ups, Bitterness, Loss, Grief, Worry, PTSD, Anxiety, Shame, Low Self-Esteem, Depression, Resentments, Adultery, Divorce, Loneliness, Stress, Abuse, Drugs, Rage, Gossip, Self-Pity, People Pleasing, Regret, Workaholism, Trauma, Abandonment, Procrastination, Self-Centeredness, Failures, Compulsive Behaviors, Overspending, Pride, Guilt, Anger, Sin, Lying, Alcoholism, Perfectionism, Sexual Addictions, Insecurity, Gambling, Codependency, Fear, Discontentment, Hypochondria, Pornography Addiction, Overeating, Need to Control…
Come enjoy a “safe place” as we seek healing from those things that keep us from growing into who God has created us to be. CR helps everyone gain a healthy, balanced, and godly life. Celebrate Recovery is not just for those with addictions… it is for everyone!
Every Thursday Night:
5:15 Dinner
6:00 Large Group Meeting
7:00 Men’s & Women’s Open Share Groups
8:00 Dessert Fellowship
8:30 Adjourn
Questions? E-mail CR1stMethodistAndy@gmail.com
More Information about CR: www.celebraterecovery.com
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