For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Our MYF (Methodist Youth Fellowship) is our 7th grade -12 grade youth group. We meet Twice weekly, Wednesday and Sunday evenings 6:00-7:30pm, in addition to attending Sunday Morning services.
We implemented our largest fundraising campaign in 2021 with our first season with Pumpkin Patch USA which typically runs the entire month of October in the field behind the church building.
This fundraiser doubles as an outreach and has become a joyful tradition for the community. We have hosted the church wide trunk or treating event in the patch and plan to offer our first blessing of the pets this season as well.
Over the last few years we have been able to take dozens of youth to the multiple M28 Camps located at Lake Junaluska NC in the summer as well as adding a winter retreat this past February at Deer Run Retreat center in Tennessee.
This year we will host our 2nd Youth Rally to kick off the school year for our students. This event is filled with fellowship, games, community service projects, praise and worship, and a message from guest speakers. We offer this youth and youth groups throughout the area free of charge.
Our youth faithfully help with hosting Wednesday evening suppers, our children’s Easter egg hunt,
and vacation bible school.
We also turned the youth room into a walk through Stations of the Cross experience during holy week this past Lenten season.

Family Fun Day in the patch is Saturday, October 12th from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM. We will have free face painting and a bounce house for the kids. Sno Biz will be on the premises for purchase and of course our pumpkins will be available for sale. Please spread the word!

Join us for the special event in the patch. Brother Ken will be blessing your fur babies Sunday, October 20th from 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM. Tell your friends and spread the word. Please NO snakes!!


We kicked off Tuesday morning Devotional as soon as school began this year instead of waiting until spring like we have the past couple years. The reason for that is students expressed that the mornings they got to start the day with their friends in the word of God just went better. So even though this is a very busy time of year for all of our MYF students, we meet on Tuesday mornings for “Coffee with Jesus” . 18-21 students have been faithfully attending each Tuesday. If anyone would like to assist in providing or sponsoring a breakfast on a Tuesday that would be greatly appreciated. If we keep growing we may also need extra drivers to transport them to the high school and junior high.

We have been blessed with incredible growth in our MYF this school year. We have had to recruit a lot of help to be able to break into small groups on Wednesday evening. I would like to thank all those who have stepped up so quickly when asked. It is important for our youth to be able to receive the lessons we have prepared for them. Thank you Linda Mellown, Mary Elizabeth Hobson, Ali Hobson, Jeff Sellers, Jennifer Sellers, Justine Sightler, Mitch Thorn, Billy Bergfeld, Ginny Grimes, Hunter Grimes, and Katie King. I also would like to thank Josh and Shelly Harmond for their dedication to helping MYF on Sunday mornings and evenings. Even with that incredible team of people we still could use a few more on a rotating basis. As always I would like to encourage everyone to include our youth and our youth program in your daily prayers.

We are making our plans to attend our 2nd M28 Winter retreat. Please let me know if your child will be attending by October 15th.
When: February 14-17, 2025
Where: Deer Run Camps and Retreat, Thompson Station TN
Cost $275
These M28 events have been key in the faith building of our youth who attend. The praise and worship, the message delivered by the speaker, and the breakout small group session are presented in a way that the youth can relate to while staying focused on the word of God. The scholarships some of our adult Sunday School classes and individuals here at FMCA have offered have helped numerous students attend that would not have been able to attend otherwise. As well as the funds raised at the pumpkin patch to offset the cost for all our youth and chaperones.
Thank you church family!!
When: February 14-17, 2025
Where: Deer Run Camps and Retreat, Thompson Station TN
Cost $275
These M28 events have been key in the faith building of our youth who attend. The praise and worship, the message delivered by the speaker, and the breakout small group session are presented in a way that the youth can relate to while staying focused on the word of God. The scholarships some of our adult Sunday School classes and individuals here at FMCA have offered have helped numerous students attend that would not have been able to attend otherwise. As well as the funds raised at the pumpkin patch to offset the cost for all our youth and chaperones.
Thank you church family!!

We are looking to do a youth ski trip on MLK weekend. We need to know an estimated headcount before we can make reservations and firm up details. Please let Heather Sabey know if this is a trip your child would like to attend by October 15th. There would be devotionals led by chaperones each day not the youth retreats we have been plugging into the last few ski trips. Lake Junaluska is a location we are looking into for accommodations.